Hi, I use Aximmetry for virtual production and I'm having a problem with set estention, In the pictures below you can see the problem the "virtual" led wall slides out and unsinc with the real led wall:
BBefore I start moving the camera
AAfter I move the camera
TThis make the extention miss match with the led wall, I tried running Traking calibration to no avail, I use a software called lensmaster with a cinebot to track the camera and FreeD to transmit the signal, I also noted that the signal has a light variation, when observing parameters it flutuates 0,003 on the 3 axis, this could cause the missmatch? there are any solution to that problem using this tracking method?
This indicates an error in the tracking or lens calibration. For set extension both your delta head offset and lens distortion calibration needs to be spot on.