VP Viper - focus points basic calibrator


Hi, I've successfully calibrated our DZO 20-70 lens via camera calibrator with our two VP Vipers (zoom/focus) + Bliss. From what I've gathered, now I need to edit focus distance points in basic calibrator to DZO profile. How much points I need to create? For every zoom stop, every focus distance stop?



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The Camera Calibrator likely generated five or more zoom calibration points. For each of these zoom points, you should create five calibration points with different focus values but identical zoom values in the Basic Calibrator. Therefore, if you start with five zoom calibration points, you will end up with 25 calibration points in total. This will yield a very accurate focus calibration.

However, the specifics can vary depending on your use case and the lens in question. For instance, if you have a zoom range that you know you will never use and you have calibration points within that range, you could potentially reduce the number of focus calibration points needed for that zoom.
Also, if you're using a parfocal lens, you only need to measure the focus five times. You can then apply these measurements to all the zoom calibration points.

Warm regards,