Is there any tools or option to make animation per text ?characters fir example rotation or opacity
Is there any tools or option to make animation per text ?characters fir example rotation or opacity
Please install the Tutorials and Samples package from if you didn't select the package during Aximmetry's installation.
You'll have a LowerThird_TextAnim.xcomp at [Tutorials]:Lower Thirds\LowerThird_TextAnim.xcomp.
The point briefly:
We use the array feature. Any compound in your scene can be turned into an array. It means that it have multiple independent running instance in the engine. To create an array right-click a compound and choose Setup Array. Then select the desired number of
In the corner of the compund you can see the item number.
In our case you have to specify the maximum number of characters or words you want to animate independently within the text. We chose 30 in this case.
At first, by creating an array, you only have a number of items that do exactly the same. So in the next step you have to make them behave differently. This can be done by adding an Array Index module within the array compound:
It gives the actual index of each array item when it is executed. Based on this index you can force independent behaviour for each elements. For e.g. you can use Switch modules to provide different locations or different colors for the individual items:
The above is just an example. In our TextAnim example we use it differently. We select a part (character or word) of the text based on the Array Index, then position it accourding to the preceding text
Also we apply a Delay depending on the index thus achieving that each text part starts moving at a different time:
I won't go into further details, please consult the example graph.
thank you for this example.
But i think that i have some problem with text format module that keep closing the aximmetry software as i explained in the following post
also can these examples and maybe future ready to use text effects be added to aximmetry conman library?
Does this solution support Arabic text ?
because i think that Characters per animation and word per animation not working as supposed.
for example the words and the Characters are inverted i think becouse arabic languge is right to left languge.
also some arabic languge Characters are connected with other Characters.
for example the following arabic sentance
?? ?????? ?????
the software is showing it wrong in red color and correct text is in white color
What I've sent you is only a quick example. To handle right-to-left texts it need slight modifications rgarding the Text Format and the calculation of the character / word positions.
Regarding the connected characters: unfortunately you cannot currently handle them together (Text Slice cannot treat them as one character; in the future we may add this functionality).
Do you mean in 2D or on a 3D extruded text?
Also I'm not sure you mean the animation of the individual characters in a text or the whole text?