Aximmetry Broadcast Decklink SDI Output - Control Monitor Black Screen



I was roaming the forum and looked into the problems others had with getting no Decklink SDI Output.
I think I have changed every setting but I must overlook something or completely still not getting the point of some settings ( my guess is the later ;).

Here is a short video explaining the problem or below the images showing the screenshots describing the settings. I have also exchanged the SDI cable because I thought that maybe it's a shot cable causing this.

Google Drive Video-Link:

Aximmetry Broadcast Decklink SDI Output - Control Monitor Black Screen

Aximmetry Broadcast Decklink SDI Output - Control Monitor Black Screen

Aximmetry Broadcast Decklink SDI Output - Control Monitor Black Screen

Aximmetry Broadcast Decklink SDI Output - Control Monitor Black Screen


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Indeed, it seems you might have overlooked something small. Are you sure you connected to the correct SDI slot on the Video Assist device? From this image, it appears the connection should be to the SDI slot just below the one currently connected:
Aximmetry Broadcast Decklink SDI Output - Control Monitor Black Screen

Also, note that you don't need to use the Video Out module since you already exposed the video for the 2nd channel index:
Aximmetry Broadcast Decklink SDI Output - Control Monitor Black Screen
This channel index is the same as the video output index unless overridden by components like the Video Out module.
You can find more information on this here: 

Warmest regards,

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Hi Eifert@Aximmetry,

As always, thanks alot for your reply! 👍💯

It's definitely the correct connection (sdi input)!

Best regards 


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But you are right. You got me there. 😂

In this image I really was checking the other connector, to see if they mixed something up in the soldering process. Great respect to your eyes to see details like that. 👍💯

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Then, it is likely that one of the other ports is also set to use port 4, so you will need to go through each port's Connector Mapping to check if any of them are using more than one port.

For example, port (2) is configured to use two ports:
Aximmetry Broadcast Decklink SDI Output - Control Monitor Black Screen
Additionally, they mixed something up in the soldering process on this card, so it writes port (2) when it is SDI 3, and vice versa. Therefore, it is important to check each port's Connector Mapping.

Warmest regards,

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Thank you Eifert@Aximmetry!

yes, that they mixed up port 2 and 3 doesn't make things easier! 😭😂

I hope I can solve this riddle next week when I'm back in the studio.

Have a great weekend 
