Sometimes We need to create animated masks in aximmtery like Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, or Polygon .
How we can do that?
Can we do masks in 3D scenes also?
Sometimes We need to create animated masks in aximmtery like Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, or Polygon .
How we can do that?
Can we do masks in 3D scenes also?
If you check [Tutorials]:Paint And Touch\Paint_Path.xcomp it show how to build a path. If you only use Lines in the path you get a polygon. It can be automatically closed.
If you render the 3D objects with pure white material (for e.g. using Flat_Solid.xshad) onto a black background you get a mask.
But I'm still not sure this was your question. If not, please describe an actual example.
You can draw any 2D shapes using the Paint functionality.
Please check the
[Tutorials]:Paint And Touch\Paint_Elements.xcomp
[Tutorials]:Paint And Touch\Paint_Path.xcomp
The texture coming out from Paint View can be used as mask.
I'm not sure what do you mean by doing masks in 3D scene. Could you elaborate?