Cant assign a Calibration profile inthe Input of Tracked cam


I am using  Broadcast DE and setting up a  Tracked Cam project. I have calibrated a PTZ Camera and also a fixed lens camera in  Camera Calibrator  and Basic  Calibrator and  have set up Calibration Profiles for these.   In Manage Devices I have assigned these profiles to the respective tracking devices.  If I select Tracked Cam 4 and go to the input,  on the right side it allows me to select a camera source, select a tracking device, however the Calibration Profile is greyed out. I deleted the profile and   created a new Calibration Profile, but still with both camera selections,  the profile is greyed out.  The  tracking of the virtual set seems to be erratic,  and I suspect that this is a result of the Calibration Profile issue .  Can you assist please with a solution.


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You probably paired the tracking device with a Calibration Profile in Edit > Device Mapper - Camera Tracking:

This is why you cannot change the tracking's Calibration Profile in the INPUT, even if you choose the not mapped option:
Cant assign a  Calibration profile  inthe Input  of  Tracked  cam

Instead, you must change or delete the Calibration Profile mapping in the Device Mapper.

Warmest regards,

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That worked . I can now access the profiles. Thanks a lot

