Using Aximmetry camera data in After Effects


Hi, I'm trying to use the 3D virtual camera data in after effects so I can do post processing. After effects does not recognize the .FBX file that was created in Aximmetry. I'm wondering if anyone here knows how to do this correctly? Thank you!

I used the "final composite method" found here:


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To my understanding, you cannot import tracking data into After Effects' Tracker feature using After Effects' own tools.
Instead, you could try using Cinema 4D's tool, which is built into After Effects. First, you will need to correctly import the FBX file into Cinema 4D. Then, follow the instructions in this video on how to export tracking data from Cinema 4D into After Effects:

We are curious to know whether this method works for you. If you encounter any issues or have any success, please share your experiences with us.

Warmest regards,

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Thank you Eifert for your response, 

I tried doing that and I'm having some hiccups. The first issue is that when I opened the template I had in Aximmetry, the camera was in a very off centered location, so when I move it to the correct location in aximmetry, it does not cross covert well with Cinema4D. I'm wondering if there is a way for me to reset the camera position in Aximmetry so that when I move the camera to where it should be in the scene, the location of the camera is now set at 0.0.0 (xyz) and will open the same way in Cinema4D? thank you!

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You can reset the camera's position with this button:
Using Aximmetry camera data in After Effects

It resets the camera to the Default Cam Pos value:

You can also capture your current position as the Default Cam Pos with the Capture Default trigger:
Using Aximmetry camera data in After Effects

I found no issue when importing the FBX file into Cinema4D and playing back the animation.
You should get the same XYZ values as in the Cam Transform pin. However, please note that Cinema4D measures in centimeters while Aximmetry measures in meters, so the values will be 100 times greater in Cinema4D.

The rotation values are different, but that is likely because Cinema4D writes them out in a different coordinate system, so they should be still correct in After Effects.

Warmest regards,

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Hi Thank you for that, I'm still working on this.

One of the things i've been trying to work out is how to render out of aximmetry. for example if I shoot a 4K scene and want to layer it, it becomes too heavy to playback in real time. I see there are instructions how to do it using a tracked camera but I'm trying to do it with a virtual camera setup. Is there documentation for this?  thank you

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The same Record Camera Tracking page contains instructions for the virtual camera by using the [Common_Studio]:Compounds\Record\Record_3-Audio.xcomp compound:

Additionally, you can perform this process in Offline Rendering with Double Sampling:

However, the Frame Rate pin for Offline Rendering is not exposed on the Record_3-Audio's RECORD control board.
To address this, you will have to Edit Compound In-Place the Record_3-Audio compound:
Using Aximmetry camera data in After Effects

After that, double-click on it to enter, locate the Video Recorder module, and connect its Frame Rate pin to the RECORDER pin collector:

Then, you can playback non-realtime (Offline Rendering) by specifying the recording's Frame Rate in the RECORDER panel of the RECORD control board:

Warmest regards,

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Thank you,

I have been using that tutorial for offline rendering but I mist be missing something, it seems like there is only a playback option when using tracked cameras (TrackedCam*.xcomp) but the playback pins are not in the Record_3-Audio compound. The offline rendering instructions are given for the tracked camera but I don't know how to apply that to the virtual camera setup. 


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Tracked camera compounds have built-in recorders because they also record the tracking, which you can play back with the video matching it. This is done using Aximmetry's own XData format.
On the other hand, the Record_3-Audio compound is designed as a general solution for different use cases.
The documentation can be confusing since it discusses both.

In your case, you will need to handle playback yourself. Because you will be assembling the camera motions instead of receiving them through tracking and then playing them back.
Since you want to achieve a quality that cannot be rendered in real-time, you will need to modify the Record_3-Audio compound as previously discussed. How then you handle playback will depend on your use case.

For example, if you want to record one camera path, you could press Record in the Record_3-Audio compound, then press Play for the camera path:
Using Aximmetry camera data in After Effects

Stop the recording in the Record_3-Audio compound once you see that the camera path movement ended.

After this, you would probably need to edit the video in After Effects to remove idle time between pressing the record in the Record_3-Audi and playing on the camera path.
With some Aximmetry Flow Editor logic, you can automate the process so that recording and playback of the camera path happen simultaneously. This way, you won't have idle time in After Effects. However, if you plan to cut the video anyway, setting up such automatic logic might not be necessary.

On the other hand, if you plan to render multiple camera paths, you would likely benefit from setting up automation. This way, you can start playback of the next camera path and record it consecutively.

Warmest regards,

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We discovered a new Blender plugin that allows exporting tracking data to After Effects directly through Blender, bypassing the need for Cinema 4D. You can download it from this link:

Note that the Blender is completely free to use.

Warmest regards,