Laggy Aximmetry 2024.2.0


Hi, we have just updated to newest version, but we are now experiencing laggy interface in aximmetry. Feed etc works correctly, but when we edit scene settings, keying etc everything is laggy and it feels like its stuttering. In previous version we didnt have those issues.


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What is the cpu/gpu usage in Aximmetry when you encounter the lag? Maybe the latest version places a higher priority on rendering the scene?

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Usage didnt spike during lag. It´s sitting at 32 for GPU and 25-30 CPU.

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Hi Borgis,

Which version were you using before? There haven't been any recent changes that could cause this issue, so I would suggest looking for reasons other than the version upgrade. Alternatively, you could revert to the older version to check if it still runs smoothly. This would help determine if the version change is indeed the cause.

Warmest regards,