Mo-Sys camera and lens tracking does not align graphic and real objects



I am setting Mo-sys camera and lens tracking. If I use lens tweaker of Mo-sys to adjust in Unreal 5 then graphic and real object are align  position correctly. But when I get data tracking from Mo-sys and use External Lens data from Mo-sys then the graphics are bigger than real object. How can I custom you camera tracking like the camera from Mo-sys in unreal ( I use VP of Mo-sys to check).




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Hi Thach,

If graphics in Aximmetry appear bigger than the real objects, it likely indicates differing zoom levels in Aximmetry as compared to the real world. This should in theory be managed by Mo-Sys's tracking data, eliminating the need for manual adjustments.

You should make sure that you didn't set a Zoom Device or Manual Lens turned off when using External Lens Data as these settings can override the zoom level coming from the external lens data:

More on these settings here:

If the Lens Tweaker changes apply only in Mo-Sys's Unreal, then there isn’t much you can do to bring them into Aximmetry unless they can be exported somehow. Alternatively, you might be able to recreate your use case for Lens Tweaker within Aximmetry, though I am not familiar with what Lens Tweaker can do.

Note that you can use Aximmetry's Camera Calibrator instead of Mo-Sys's Lens data. For more information, visit the Camera Calibrator's page here:

Warmest regards,

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In Zoom device I must choose Map 1# that the same Mo-sys tracking device when I set tracking  Device Mapping the it can control Zoom in graphic if not choose then It can not control although I have set turn on External Len data.

I also use camera and basic calibrate but it still does not correct.

I am trying to use Mosys lens tweaker and tweak with output Aximmetry but it is not easy beacause it need to update and deploy to Mo-sys device to check.

Could you please check if Camera in Unreal of mo-sys and Camer  of Axymmetry have the same parameter or not?





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Hi Thach,

If you set a Zoom Device, the INPUT will use the calibration profile's zoom calibration (lens data) or fixed values. These will not be the same as those used by Unreal of Mo-Sys, as they will rely on their own Mo-Sys calibration (lens data).
Note: The diagrams at the following link illustrate when the tracking's lens data is being used and when it is not, as the External Lens Data switch does not have absolute control over this:

It seems you are not getting lens data from Mo-Sys at all and you should first figure out why is that happening. You can check the data being received in Aximmetry by following this guide:

To my knowledge, all Mo-Sys systems send their tracking, zoom, and other lens data as a single package. Therefore, you do not need to set up a Zoom Device with Mo-Sys. However, if a different system is tracking your zoom, this could change. It would be very helpful if you could specify which Mo-Sys system you are using and the tracking protocol involved.

Warmest regards,

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Hi Eifert,

I use Mo-sys star tracker and currently I use Mo-Sys F4 data protocol so It send PTZR , Zoom, Focus from lens.

When I using Device Tracking Map I map it to Map 1 without Camera calibration file ( I do not choose Camera calibration file, it is blank). CAM1 Input I choose tracking device : Map 1, External Lens data: OFF then It can not use zoom, focus. Then I choose Tracking device Map 1,   External Lens data: ON then I can use Zoom, Focus.

I have Lens file of Mo-sys I will send you If you need to debug.



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If I don't use the MAP for Tracking device and choose Mo-Sys tracking , Zoom device : NONE , External Lens data is ON then Zoom, FOCUS and camera tracking is working. But graphic still  bigger than real object.

Can you help me to send data tracking directly to Aximmetry Camera in Unreal and does not processing before send to it?



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Hi Thach,

Then maybe the graphic being bigger than the real-world object might not be related to Zoom.

I suggest resetting all the settings in the camera compound. The easiest way to do this is to delete the camera compound and add it again to your project. Don't forget to make a copy of your xcomp file before doing so to save your previous settings.

After setting up your INPUTS and the relevant settings, try turning off Lens Distortion. This could be causing some of the discrepancies.
Mo-Sys camera and lens tracking does not align graphic and real objects

Once you have turned off Lens Distortion, Aximmetry Unreal should receive the same Zoom (FOV) values as the Unreal of Mo-Sys.

You can obtain this Zoom value from the Control Data pin using a Collection Scalar module by setting the Key pin to "Cam FOV". Then, convert this FOV value to Focal Length using the FOV Calculator module, and set its Param Mode pin to Horizontal FOV.

For example, this will allow you to easily compare the Focal Length to the value on your studio camera's lens.

You can send data tracking directly to the Aximmetry Camera in Unreal in a similar way by overwriting the Cam FOV key with a Set Collection Scalar module. However, this shouldn't be necessary unless you want to perform some custom Zoom interpolation or create a custom Zoom effect.

Warmest regards,

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Hi Eifert,

Thank you for your support. Mo-sys Star tracker send the data lens with lens distort. It is more accurate when use Lens Distort: ON I have tested with this parameter.

I also test with Basic Lens Caleb and Camera lens Calib then it still does not correct when using zoom and focus function

 I have tuned some parameter of Lens offset of Mo-sys then it is better.

Could you contact to Mo-sys to check Mo-sys star tracker to get correct tracking like Unreal VP Pro of Mo-sys.



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Hi Thach,

I forgot to mention that when using the FOV Calculator module to show the Focal Length, you also need to set its Sensor Width pin to get the correct value.

We cannot connect a third party (Mo-Sys) without understanding the exact issue at hand. In this state, I am unsure where your underlying issue lies. You could consider connecting with Mo-Sys directly; they can probably provide general tips on how to map or tune their tracking's F4 data in their software.

I am also unclear on how you tested things with the Basic and Camera Calibrator. Note that if you perform a calibration with these tools, it will overwrite the data (Zoom and Focus interpolation and Lens distortion) from Mo-Sys's calibration.

Warmest regards,

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Hi Eifert,

Thank you for your support. I seems Aximmetry lens distort and Mo-sys Lens distort is different.

I have tried manual lens tweak then it is OK know.



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ThachNN6: It shouldn’t be different and you shouldn’t have to tweak it manually.