Aximmetry Utilities + Interfacing with Unreal Engine with Tags


Since sharing some utilities with the forum through my google drive is both boring and braking links after updating, i have created a repo in github to share all my compounds there. (

Most of them I use them inside other compounds (and some of them I forgot why they are there)

I have also uploaded a Blank Aximmetry unreal project with its xcomp file.
It shows how I interact with Unreal to avoid recreating again and again the same things.
I use tags, to identify the objects I want to interact with. 
So my workflow is just copy paste the same xcomp and the same level blueprint + the screens, because its not efficient to send images through collections.

There is some documentation on how to use it (and I will be happy to answer questions) and improve the compounds.

The scripts folder shares a powershell script I wrote that I call through companion, to make filling of video slots very easy thought OSC (you can see the changes in the aximmetryBlank.xcomp).


I have removed some functionality from Utilities, I was experimenting with Aximmetry Camera and making it follow objects or paths defined inside Unreal. It works, but I need to modify the Aximmetry Camera blueprint to enable and disable aximmetry control and its not pretty.
The same goes for Billboards. There is not an easy way to remove control from Aximmetry and its impossible to update the position of the camera once Aximmetry gets back control of the camera (and or billboard)


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Hi Buffos,

Thank you for making the effort to create and share these utilities with the community. Your dedication is greatly appreciated.

Also, consider uploading your creations to the marketplace at

Warmest regards,

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Do this on version 2023.2.2. Not everyone has the new version of UE

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@Celebr: I don’t it could be expected that this awesome, free offering should be maintained to keep compatibility with old versions. That being said, why not just try it. Compounds are most often backwards compatible, unless it’s one of the super complex ones like the Virtual or Tracked camera compounds. 

It’s not expensive to keep Aximmetry up to date, so why not use the latest version? 

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show me the documentation or tutorial, I don’t understand what it is and how to work

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@anzaaximm: Entitled much? The documentation is right in the link. I’m sure you can figure it out if you read it. 

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I intend to write some examples of how this works, but you can figure most things out by looking inside the compounds.
Most of the compounds are used inside other compounds as utilities.

I will try a video on how the collection system works


The version of UE is immaterial. The empty project there is just to include the level blueprint that links Aximmetry with Unreal Engine. It should work with any Unreal engine and Aximmetry version.

You can open it with any Aximmetry Unreal engine version. Just open the .uproject file with a text editor, and remove the "EngineAssociation" line. Open again and select your version. There is nothing bounding it to a certain version.

I had an experimental version to bypass the Aximmetry camera, so I can follow paths and objects, but removed it since it requires editing the original Aximmetry blueprint and I did not want to mess things up.
