Billboard Mover Compound {link included)


I have created (a long time ago) a billboard switcher that moved the billboard from position to position. The problem was that it required to change the main cam compound so, I did not share it.

Now that I can easily reference pins inside locked compounds here is the compound switcher

As is, its just for Billboard 1, but it is trivial to make it for every billboard. Just clone it, open it and rename the control board from billboard1 to billboard2 and alter the Module the set transformation pin, to point from billboard 1, to 2, or 3.. etc (just change the number 1 to 2 in the Module field).

It adds a control board named Billboard1 to your control boards that looks like

Billboard Mover Compound {link included)

Those "Position i" boxes are positions of the billboard. To change them graphically, enter the preview mode (as you do when you change the billboard position), with one of them selected, and move it where you want.
That's all. 

At play time you just select the position, and will transition from current to new position

If you select the billboard position, you will see the following list of transition speeds

Billboard Mover Compound {link included)

to control the speed from position a to position b

I hope it helps someone and saves some time..


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The idea is very good, but where is the LIFT parameter?

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To add to this, it will only work with the VirtualCam_Unreal_3-Cam compound. If you want to use it with a different compound, you will need to replace the VirtualCam_Unreal_3-Cam text with that compound's name here:
Billboard Mover Compound {link included)

Additionally, to target a different Billboard than the first one as Buffos said, you need to modify the number here:
Billboard Mover Compound {link included)

Warmest regards,

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You can still use the lift parameter from the original billboard. 

If you want to have different lift parameters per position, just add another switch scalar inside the compound with the values for every position and just use a Set Scalar Pin on the switch output to set the lift parameter (and add them to the pin collector). Image to follow. For me personally, just a single value was enough so did not add that.

Billboard Mover Compound {link included)

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I changed the initial compound to include the lift functionality for all billboards (with smooth transitions)

