For example, we have the pin to the billboard
Root\VirtualCam_Unreal_3-Cam\INPUT 1\Line 1\BILLBOARD 1
- You can link a dynamic value to a playlist, and it will change correctly.
- If you try that with a Set transformation Pin, it will not work
Now why would you need the second when the first works.
With the Set Transformation Pin, you can interpolate and the transformation will change smoothly from A to B
With the playlist, you should: a) press play after every data change; and (worse), you cannot interpolate between state A and B
Is there a way to make Set Transformation Pin (and generally any set compound) penetrate inside compounds like playlists?
Hi Buffos,
You can use the Set Transformation Pin modules to change values inside compounds. This works even if the compounds are locked. This feature was added to Aximmetry a few versions ago.
For example, in the case of the VirtualCam_Unreal_3-Cam compound, you can change the Billboard’s location of the first INPUT with this Module pin: VirtualCam_Unreal_3-Cam\INPUT %N=1\Line %N\BILLBOARD %N
So to specify a compound path, use the "\" character.
To get the exact location of the pin you want to modify, you need the names of its parent compounds, for this you can copy the compound names from the Name field:
You can even access the parent compounds with "..\". For example, if the Set Transformation Pin is inside a compound, you can access the Billboard’s Transformation with the path: ..\VirtualCam_Unreal_3-Cam\INPUT %N=1\Line %N\BILLBOARD %N
This way, you can change any pin's value from anywhere in the Flow Editor as long as the pin is editable in the Pin Values panel of Aximmetry.
More on this here:
Warmest regards,