Laser Beam Noise in DMX lighting AR


When using DMX lighting in AR, I have resolved the issue of noise occurring in the beam. 

However, when trying to use laser lighting in AR, noise is generated again in areas

where there is interference with the lighting beam. 

Is there any way to solve this problem?

Laser Beam Noise in DMX lighting ARLaser Beam Noise in DMX lighting AR


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It’s probably exactly the same issue as with the light beam. 

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If you have numerous additive materials, you might be better off using the following solution to fix every material in your scene:
The issue with additive materials is that there is nothing behind them for the Unreal Engine to add them to, as the camera renders the background with zero alpha. To fix this, you could create a fake background with very low alpha to which Unreal Engine can add the additive materials but still won't be noticeable in front of your camera input inside Aximmetry.
Probably the best way to achieve this is by creating a skybox with a translucent material that has very low Opacity, such as 0.001:

You can create skybox like it is explained at the end of this documentation:
You will just need to use the above material with the SM_SkySphere static mesh.

Warmest regards,
