Iphone 15Max workflow questions.


Hey I am working on a proyect and we are looking to use Axy Eyes and Ipohne 15, but we have some doubts.

We want to take full advantage of the iphone 15max log and color space, as we are a color correction company and integrate it perfectly with cgi. 

Can we use Axymetry Eyes and record full quality with the iphone, or through another app such as blackmagic camera while still sending a stream to axy.

Thanks in advance. 


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For security reasons, Apple requires that apps be in the foreground to use the camera. Consequently, you cannot use another app to record the camera while using Aximmetry Eye.

However, please note that the addition of video recording to Aximmetry Eye is on our request list. We will consider implementing this feature in future releases.

Warmest regards,
