Serious Glitches on Camera Cut


I'm experience glitches whenever I switch between the virtual camera. This glitches will appear on the first frame after I cut the cam, it can appear instantly or after I make a few cuts between camera A and B. The glitches usually last for about 3 frames and by the 4th frame, the picture start to normalised. The glitches is repeatable on all projects. Attached is some picture for reference. I've use very light weight UE scene to minimised introducing complications for this test. GPU is hovering around 20 % and CPU about 12% and no lumens rendering etc. I have scan through the forum posts and followed some of the suggested solutions but sadly none is working. 

Sample 1. Frame 1 missing Panel

Serious Glitches on Camera Cut

Frame 2 missing Panel appear

Serious Glitches on Camera Cut

Example 2

Frame 1Serious Glitches on Camera Cut

Frame 2

Serious Glitches on Camera Cut

Frame 3

Serious Glitches on Camera Cut

Frame 4 - Picture Normalise

Serious Glitches on Camera Cut


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This looks like it could be related to texture streaming or LOD optimization.

Please ensure that the meshes do not have Unreal's LOD settings enabled. You can find more information on this here: 

If that doesn’t resolve the issue, try disabling Texture Streaming in the Project Settings of Unreal:

If that too doesn’t resolve the issue, consider disabling Nanite in the Project Settings of Unreal:

Warmest regards,

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Thanks. Tried all three suggested solutions and I'm still getting a few frame of glitches after switching between the virtual cam. I also try enable and disable Virtual Texture Support to no avail.

I also observe one unique problem,  say if I let CAM 1 run for 3 seconds and then Cut to Cam 2, everything is fine, no glitches. If I perform the same cut but this time, I let CAM 1 run the shot a bit longer,  say 6 seconds, I start to see glitches and all this happen intermittently. I will try to post a video when I'm back in the studio.

Could this be a GPU issue? I'm running RTX 3080 on the latest Studio driver.

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No, it doesn't look like a GPU issue at all.

Forgot to mention, that you should also check the Occlusion Culling settings of the Actor.
Try increasing the Bound Scale and turning on or off the Use Attach Parent Bound:

More on Occlusion Culling here:

Additionally, you can adjust the rest of the Rendering settings of the Actor as shown in the above image.

If it is still not working, try placing a simple actor to see if it behaves the same way. For example, go to Window > Place Actors and place a Cube near where the issue occurs with your objects. You can place multiple cubes, some a bit further and some closer:
Serious Glitches on Camera Cut

If one of the cubes behaves similarly, then it is likely a setting in Unreal's Project Settings that is causing the issue, or some kind of World Setting, post-processing, or global optimization.
If all the cubes behave normally, apply the same material to them as the objects that disappear. If they disappear when switching between the cameras, then something in the material is causing it.
If the cubes still behave normally, change the disappearing object's mesh to one of the basic shapes, for example, Shape_Sphere:
Serious Glitches on Camera Cut

If after this the object doesn't disappear, then probably some setting in the mesh or the model causing it.

Warmest regards,
