Why is my origin floating?


We are now using the Aximmetry eye to make an attempt to virtualize the film.

We're going to use the iPhone as a tracker,There was a problem when we use the ArUco marker to Detect origin.

Why is my origin floating?

It's much higher than the ground.

Why is my origin floating?

And I try to pull the ground up to the same height,But the tracking drifted.

On other people's videos the origin is fitting the markers.Is there anything I should improve on?

Request for assistance,plz



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Are you sure the ArUco market is 100% the correct size? The floor plane itself seems to be matching quite well. 
Are you using the iPhone as just a tracker, mounted on another camera that will provide the actual image? That requires a separate calibration process to make sure everything aligns. 
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Yes,my ArUco market is 100% the correct size.As you see,The floor plane itself seems to be matching quite well, but the origin not.

We use the S1h as a video input,iPhone as a tracker.It's didn't work.

We try to use only Aximmetry eye in iPhone,Failed, too.

Should I use camera calibration?for iPhone?S1h?

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Did you find a solution for this?  I am having the exact same problem.  I was watching the Richard Frantzen video on Youtube, and when he presses Detect, it just snaps in place. My origin moves to the Aruco, but floats about two feet above it.

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I got it working!  I had originally started out with a project file from an older version of Aximmetry, and I wonder if that was the problem.  Once I started fresh using TrackedCam_Unreal_3-Cam.xcomp, it snapped right in place.
