Hello I am trying to create augmented animations to be played on the floor for an MMA fight. I have virtual assets in my unreal scene and a Sony PTZ camera tracked in Aximmetry. Every thing is working fine.
The desired effect is to see the players on top of the asset when walking on it.
I already tried the 3 layer composited using the Keyer_All_3D node like seen in the image below. But the quality of the video is not good. And keying method have many drawdowns because if the lighting changes the virtual assets are affected. Is there any other method to do it ? Thank you
It’s hard to tell what the problem is without seeing the actual output. How is the image quality bad? I also can’t figure out how you expect to accomplish a good key on the floor, unless it’s a uniform green or blue color. Even then, with changing lighting conditions it will be hard to get a solid key. I don’t see a way around this, as it’s an inherent limitation of the technology used for chroma keying. Chroma keying (by its nature) requires the biggest possible color contrast between the foreground and the background, which is why it’s always done in a controlled studio environment, especially for live keying.