I wanted to know how to buy these virtual sets and If I can use them with SE licence?
Best regards
I wanted to know how to buy these virtual sets and If I can use them with SE licence?
Best regards
The virtual sets you're inquiring about are rendered by Unreal Engine. To open and render them in a similar style, you will need an Aximmetry DE license. Please note that these sets are not yet fully ready, but they will be very soon. You can already get in touch with our sales team at mailto:sales@aximmetry.com for more information.
Additionally, some of these virtual sets may be made into an Aximmetry SE virtual set in the future. Feel free to contact mailto:sales@aximmetry.com to inquire about which virtual sets will be available in Aximmetry SE.
For a list of our currently available Aximmetry SE virtual sets, please check the YouTube playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cc3XpdUrwGc&list=PLUCy1LBtG-_tKFkkvghkVZIhrMgnk61XD , where the last video in the playlist represents the newest set. For more detailed information about these virtual sets, don't hesitate to contact mailto:sales@aximmetry.com.
Warmest regards,