Changing Placer Offset and Seeing Results in Real-Time?


I'm user Placer Vector to reposition player images in our virtual sports set, and that works great, the only annoyance is that we have to run the animation every time we want to see our results. So it's a lot of take a guess, play the animation, take a better guess, play the animation again, etc., and this is with the X, Y and Scale. It would be *so* much easier if we could see the position update in real-time as we change the values.

Is that possible somehow with Aximmetry?



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Hi Paul,

I'm not entirely sure why you're encountering this limitation.
Consider the following setup:
Changing Placer Offset and Seeing Results in Real-Time?

Then in the Sequencer's Sequence Editor, you can conveniently test various time positions by moving the Cursor Position, which is represented by a blue vertical line:

For more information about the Sequence Editor, please visit:

Warmest regards,

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Interesting, but I don't think it helps us. And I should have been more clear: the animation we're playing is a Level Sequence in Unreal. What we're moving is an image that has an event track in Unreal. The image is inserted into Unreal through an Axximetry Data Pin (Texture). As I've thought about it, I think the issue is that when the Unreal sequence is triggered, it goes and gets the image from Aximmetry (which we've now moved) and plays through to the end. It's not like the Sequence keeps checking the Data Pin to see if the image has changed. But perhaps that's where my solution lies, somewhere in Unreal.

Thanks for the help,


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Hi Paul,

Ahh, sorry Paul, you got me a bit confused with the Placer Vector.

Indeed, you can override the animation time of the sequence in Unreal, and this functionality allows you to fully control the position of the playback of the Level Sequence in Unreal from Aximmetry.

Here's how to do it:

In Unreal, you'll need to use the Set Playback Position blueprint node:
Changing Placer Offset and Seeing Results in Real-Time?

After adding the node to the blueprint, you should split its Playback Params pin. You can do this by right-clicking on it:
Changing Placer Offset and Seeing Results in Real-Time?

Next, set the Playback Params Position Type to Time. Following this, you should expose the Playback Params Time to Aximmetry using the Get Aximmetry Scalar node:
Changing Placer Offset and Seeing Results in Real-Time?

In Aximmetry, you should then connect the new scalar pin to the Time pin of the Sequencer.

After this, the Level Sequence in Unreal will be always in sync with the Sequence module in Aximmetry and you will have full control over its playback with the Sequencer module in Aximmetry.

Note that you can have multiple Get Aximmetry ... nodes of the same type in Unreal with the same name and they will receive the same value from Aximmetry. So instead of using the Level Blueprint, you could use an actor blueprint which you can easily add to your every Level Sequence, and all of them will be run by Aximmetry's Sequencer's Time.

Warmest regards,

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Thanks Eifert, great example. I'll try that and see how it goes.

