I'm having trouble with the camera calibrator in version 2023.3.2.
In the calibration steps 1-5 zoom values show up correctly and can be adjusted to the next step. In step 6 the calibrator asks for a weird value. Although my zoom encoder values are only between 0 and 2.44 in step 6 the camera calibrator asks "to reach the 7,277006E-08 zoom encoder value" although it should be 0 and the "Current zoom encoder value" is shown correctly (see picture below). I still can complete the process but if I want to add further zoom steps into the profile the camera calibrator asks for these weird numbers too. Did anyone have this issue before?
The "7.277006E-08" value is effectively equivalent to 0. Consequently, instead of setting the camera's zoom to 0.488, adjusting it to 0 would be accurate.
The source of the issue is that for some reason, the float 0 value is occasionally displayed in scientific E notation.
We have taken note of this issue and you can expect it to be fixed in a future release.
Warmest regards,