camera calibrator shows weird zoom value



I'm having trouble with the camera calibrator in version 2023.3.2.

In the calibration steps 1-5 zoom values show up correctly and can be adjusted to the next step. In step 6 the calibrator asks for a weird value. Although my zoom encoder values are only between 0 and 2.44 in step 6 the camera calibrator asks "to reach the 7,277006E-08 zoom encoder value" although it should be 0 and the "Current zoom encoder value" is shown correctly (see picture below). I still can complete the process but if I want to add further zoom steps into the profile the camera calibrator asks for these weird numbers too. Did anyone have this issue before? 


camera calibrator shows weird zoom value


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The "7.277006E-08" value is effectively equivalent to 0. Consequently, instead of setting the camera's zoom to 0.488, adjusting it to 0 would be accurate.
The source of the issue is that for some reason, the float 0 value is occasionally displayed in scientific E notation.

We have taken note of this issue and you can expect it to be fixed in a future release.

Warmest regards,

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Hello Eifert,

thanks for the quick reply. I expected the "7.27706E-08" value to be 0 as it was the only value that was missing to complete the process. However, if I want to add further zoom steps to get a more fluid zoom curve, the values keep to be like the one mentioned above. So the next value the calibrator suggests is "3.40282e+38".

Just to be save: I assume a quick workaround would be to divide the largest zoom encoder value of my lens (in my case the number 2.44) through 7.27706 and multiply it with 3.40282? Then I would get the value 1.140974 and the closest encoder value would be 1.14115. Is this correct? And if not: What is the meaning of the letter and the other numbers?


camera calibrator shows weird zoom value

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Hi Joern,

The value "3.40282e+38" is exceptionally large, which likely indicates an issue in calibration points. You should make sure that the calibration points are not positioned close to one another.

I recommend starting a new calibration or deleting the previous zoom calibration points as shown in the image below:

The 'e' notation is a method to represent numbers more compactly. The symbol 'e+' indicates multiplication by 10-s, while 'e-' indicates division by 10-s. For instance, 1000000 (1*1000000) can be expressed as 1e+06, and 0.000001 (1/1000000) can be written as 1e-06. This notation effectively counts the digits in the number. Consequently, 7.27706E-08 equals 0.0000000727706 (a very close value to zero).

Warmest regards,

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Hello Eifert, 

so I did the lens calibration process again from scratch and still get the same weird number if I want to add a new focal length to the calibration. I checked all the calibration points and they seem to be fine. They are not posistioned close to one another. Any ideas?



camera calibrator shows weird zoom value

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Hi Joern,

Sadly, the Add calibration point is indeed not working correctly, and you won't be able to add additional points with it.
Instead, you can use the Basic Calibrator to add more zoom points. However, these will solely be zoom points and not complete lens calibrations.
Note that five zoom calibration points in almost all cases should give you very good results.

Warmest regards,
