Strange 2nd incorrect billboard reflection, goes black when render to depth turned on.


Hi All,

Anyone know what this reflection is? I have seen similar ones in other posts but have not yet been able to find a fix. When render to depth is on, the billboard reflection is good but has a black smudge untracked reflection behind it. See photo 1

Strange 2nd incorrect billboard reflection, goes black when render to depth turned on.

When render to depth is turned off, I can see the other reflection artifact. see photo 2. Hopefully someone has encountered this problem and can give me some tips or troubleshooting steps I can take.

Many thanks

Strange 2nd incorrect billboard reflection, goes black when render to depth turned on.


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What type of reflection are you using? Lumen, Screenspace or raytraced? If you’re using Lumen, do you have Hardware Raytracing enabled, and have you enabled High Quality Translucency reflections?

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Hi thanks TwentyStudio you have saved the day again!
This has fixed it (I swear I tried this before). Perhaps I had Raytracing Translucency enabled? I am not sure. Just for clarity in these are the steps I took:
In the post process volume I selected Lumen under the reflections section. I unchecked all the other reflection processing (ss, RT) options. I made sure RT translucency was unchecked also. In the project setting I made sure I had Hardware Raytracing enabled checked.

Amazing, thanks again.


I noticed I have no option for High Quality Translucency.
For reference I'm running unreal for ax Version: 5.0.3-0+++UE5+Release-5.0.

Strange 2nd incorrect billboard reflection, goes black when render to depth turned on.
