Multi-machine setting



Can one computer support up to 3 cameras and tracking cameras?

If 3 computer hosts are connected together, can they support 9 cameras at the same time?

So if 5 hosts are connected together, can they support 15 cameras? Can all 15 cameras be synchronized together?

Is there an upper limit to how many host computers can be connected together?


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One computer can support as many cameras as the CPU/GPU can handle (depending on the Aximmetry license) but Unreal can only render one camera at a time. This means you would have to switch between the cameras on each Aximmetry computer and won’t get a comped preview of the other cameras on the same computer. This will quickly become very impractical in a live broadcast scenario.

You should also note that the computers don’t share the final video output between each other. The main computer only controls the render nodes over Ethernet, so the video card outputs of each computer would be send to an external video switcher. 

Not sure what you mean by “synchronized”? If you mean genlocked, you would have to genlock the cameras themselves and also the Decklink outputs via the Ref in. This isn’t typically necessary, since all the Aximmetry video outputs from each computer would get re-clocked at the video switcher anyway. 

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thanks for your reply

Is it possible to have 15 cameras shooting different angles in one scene at the same time?

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@BeyondSpace: Having 15 different physical cameras connected to the same computer would be insane and I don’t see how that could ever work. What’s the use case?

As I explained, you can only render one camera angle from Unreal at any time, so while you could switch between 15 cameras you couldn’t output them simultaneously. Unreal typically struggles to render one camera angle in real-time with high quality settings and Lumen, so more than one ouput just wouldn’t be practical. 

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thanks for your reply

Because we want to have 15 billboards in different locations in a scene, we asked whether a scene can have 15 cameras. So we need 5 studios and 15 cameras to record. Is this feasible?

Can 5 computers have 5 output screens?

Multi-machine in a large studio environment, there is an upper limit of several studios

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I still don’t understand. Do you have 15 physical cameras that you want to render and output separately from the same scene?

Again, Aximmetry can only output one camera angle from Unreal at any time. 15 physical cameras rendered in the same scene and sent to separate SDI outputs would require 15 computers. 

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How many computers can be used in multi-machine configuration?

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There’s no limit to how many you can use. I think the included camera compounds are limited to 8 cameras, but they’re easy enough to expand. If you buy 15 licenses, I’d half expect Aximmetry themselves to build it for you. 

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You can have a maximum of 20 active computers at once in multi-machine mode:

As TwentyStudios mentioned, if you require more, please write to with your request. My colleagues will evaluate if they can adjust this limit, and in this case, they will likely say yes.

To clarify a bit on other limits:
Each computer can run one instance of Unreal Engine, meaning it can render one camera view of your virtual scene. However, this does not limit the number of Billboards (talents) you can place in a scene on one computer. For virtual camera compounds, you can include up to 3 Billboards in a scene using inputs from 3 studio cameras. With tracked cameras, you can place up to 3 Billboards in the scene from a single studio camera input. If you wish to include more than 3 billboards in a scene, it's possible to modify the Unreal Aximmetry camera blueprint and the camera compound to increase the limit (it won't be easy). However, be aware that each additional billboard will significantly increase the performance load on the computer.
In a multi-machine setup, the most extensive camera compound currently supports up to 8 virtual camera views and 8 tracked camera views. Each machine in this setup will display a different camera view, and they won't share studio camera inputs and billboards unless each studio camera is connected to each computer.
Should you require more than 8 virtual camera views or 8 tracked camera views in a multi-machine setup, implementing some logic with the Flow Editor allows for the addition of more camera compounds to manage more camera views. If needed, I can provide guidance on how to achieve this.

Note: We have documentation available for large multi-machine setups here:

Warmest regards,
