Unreal Live Sync not working


Hello, we are trying to start LiveSync on an Unreal cooked project in an Aximmetry Ledwall Compound version 2023 on a control machine in a multi-machine setup.
The issue is that when we press play in the Unreal Editor nothing happens and there is still the red message in the frustum: "please start Unreal Editor for Aximmetry". What could be the culprit?

I hope to hear from you soon, thank you.


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When you activate Live Sync on the Unreal module in Aximmetry, it automatically enables Live Sync on every computer within your multi-machine setup. Aximmetry then expects the Unreal Editor for Aximmetry to be running on each machine. In almost all cases this would be quite pointless, essentially leading to the unnecessary situation of editing the same scene on multiple machines simultaneously and only being able to save it on one machine.

If your intention is to enable Live Sync on the control machine because you wish to test some changes directly there, it's important to note that these changes will not be reflected on the remote machines. For these changes to be reflected on the remote machines, you will need to cook the project again with the changes included.
To run Live Sync on the control machine, you can implement the following logic where you get the current machine's ID from the System Params module and you have to set the If Integer's Then pin to 2 (which corresponds to the Live Sync value):

You can make it optional with an And module:
Unreal Live Sync not working

When cooking in a multi-machine setup, all the machines will reload the Unreal scene, just as they would in a single-machine setup. This ensures that any modifications you’ve made are applied across all machines.

Warmest regards,

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Could it be a solution so to have the changes to the scene in live sync to have the unreal scene run on the remote machine and make the changes from there?

Meaning, if you were to use only one remote renderer instead of two and also employ it as a server, and employ the editor machine only as a control, could it be that the changes would also happen on the LEDWall?

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Hi Kvanee,

I am not exactly sure if you meant this, but this can work:
You have 2 machines.
The controller machine doesn't render anything in Unreal, it just receives the studio camera's image and transmits it, also it controls the camera compound and relevant settings (on the remote machine and controller machine).
On the remote machine, you edit the scene in Live Sync.

This would only work if the controller machine truly doesn't render anything in Unreal. You are not using Digital Extension and every active LED Wall panel's engine setting is set to remote #1.
However, it is hard to imagine a scenario where you would need this.

The underlying limitation is that the different computers won't be aware of your actions within the Unreal scene in Live Sync (in Unreal Editor's Play in Editor mode). Moreover, you lose any edits made as soon as you stop the Play in Editor mode.
Of course, if you implement Unreal's multiplayer solution, then it is likely that such edits will show up on the other computers if the edited object is a networked object. You wouldn't even need to run the other computers in Live Sync in this case, they could be in cooked mode and they would update similarly to a multiplayer game.
On the other hand, Unreal has a Multi-User Editing feature for Unreal Editor, but this will not update the objects that are edited in Live Sync (Play in Editor); it only syncs objects edited while the Unreal Editor's simulation is stopped. This feature likely won’t suit your needs, as it is designed for simultaneous scene editing by teams working on the same scene, it is not for live production use.

Ultimately, Live Sync is intended for testing purposes rather than live production.

For instance, if your production involves discrete shoots without a continuous recording from start to finish, you could employ this strategy: (as described in my previous post) Activate Live Sync on a remote machine between shots to test and demonstrate various changes via the LED Wall run by this machine. After finalizing these changes (either by documenting or directly copying them), stop Live Sync (Play in Editor), redo the changes in the Unreal Editor, cook the project, and set the Unreal module in Aximmetry to cooked mode across all machines. This way the changes will apply to all machines and you can do your next shoot with the changes visible on every LED Wall no matter of which computer is rendering it.

Warmest regards,

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Hi Eifert,

thank you as usual for your comprehensive answer. The very convoluted question I asked about scene editing in Live Sync arose from the production team's need to live edit the scene on the fly by having the entire composition between virtual and real sets on camera (similar to UE's Switchboard/Perforce workflow that we adopted before moving to Axi), a need that in our production pipeline comes in handy when trying to "force" the perspective of the scene.

Unfortunately, this is a type of malleability that we really lack and we haven't found a solution to this obstacle yet, would you have any advice for pursuing this?


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Hi Kvanee,

The optimal approach is to ensure that all the elements you anticipate needing to adjust are accessible within the Aximmetry Composer.
This can be achieved by incorporating "Get Aximmetry..." nodes within the scene's level blueprint. Specifically, for any object you wish to move, you should use the "Get Aximmetry Transformations" node. You can find detailed instructions here: https://aximmetry.com/learn/virtual-production-workflow/preparation-of-the-production-environment-phase-i/obtaining-graphics-and-virtual-assets/creating-content/creating-content-for-aximmetry-de/ue5-how-to-install-and-work-with-the-unreal-engine-based-de-edition/#get-aximmetry-transformation
If you use this approach, you don't need Live Sync and you can run your project in cooked mode during the whole production for optimal performance. Also, all the remote render engines will be updated with the changes you make through the "Get Aximmetry..." nodes.

Otherwise, as I said, you could activate Live Sync on a remote machine between shots to test and demonstrate various changes via the LED Wall run by this machine. After finalizing these changes (either by documenting or directly copying them), stop Live Sync (Play in Editor), redo the changes in the Unreal Editor, cook the project, and set the Unreal module in Aximmetry to cooked mode across all machines. Then you can do the shoot with the changes included.

I am not really familiar with how would such editing work in Switchboard/Perforce workflow. If you can share more details about the type and extent of editing you need to perform on the virtual scene, then I can probably come up with other suggestions.

Warmest regards,