DE Python error


Sorry if this topic has been covered here, but I could not find the solution. 

When I try to drag unreal project into the flow section i get this message:

Loading Unreal project Weather_2020.uproject

[LogModuleManager] ModuleManager: Module 'PythonScriptPluginPreload' not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.

[LogPluginManager] Plugin 'PythonScriptPlugin' failed to load because module 'PythonScriptPluginPreload' could not be found.  Please ensure the plugin is properly installed, otherwise consider disabling the plugin for this project.

Failed to initialize Unreal Plugin: error 1

I disable Python plugin, recoock project and  I get this:

Loading Unreal project Weather_2020.uproject

[LogModuleManager] ModuleManager: Module 'LensDistortion' not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.

[LogPluginManager] Plugin 'LensDistortion' failed to load because module 'LensDistortion' could not be found.  Please ensure the plugin is properly installed, otherwise consider disabling the plugin for this project.

Failed to initialize Unreal Plugin: error 1

Any assistace would be appreciated. 


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Hi Andrew,

Could you please disable the LensDistortion plugin as well and recook the project.

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I'm having the same problem. the UE project will not open again after disabling this plugin.

What else should i do?

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Are you sure you disable EVERY plugin that is listed in the log as "Plugin xxxxxx failed to load" ?

If yes, did you get any other warning or error in the log?

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I found the problem:

The problem was that I've opened a new video project instead of a new game project in UE.

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OK, thank you for letting us know.