When I use Aximmetry , I find that its coordinate axis is different from that of UE4. When I move my locator forward, the virtual position is backward. Can you tell me how to solve it?
Thank you.
When I use Aximmetry , I find that its coordinate axis is different from that of UE4. When I move my locator forward, the virtual position is backward. Can you tell me how to solve it?
Thank you.
Hi Wangjh,
in UE X - forward, Y - right, Z - up
in Aximmetry Z - forward, X - right, Y - up (DirectX left-handed system)
When you work in Aximmetry you have to think in the Aximmetry system. The transformations are automatically converted when transferred to UE.
Could you give me a more detailed description of your problem?
Aximmetry has universal lock phenomenon, which makes it more difficult for me to do positioning. I use HTC hardware. I don't know if you have a good solution.