I have the same problem. The positioning is redspy, the camera is sony fx9, the acquisition card is bmd 8kpro, and the synchronization signal generator is aja. All connections are correct and the adjustment is correct. At the beginning, it is stable, but after waiting for a period of time, the virtual and real images start to be out of sync, which is cumulative. Aximetry will prompt the acquisition card to be unable to maintain delay, and the positioning will be unable to maintain delay. However, I have tested using data capture and there is no problem. fx9 has also confirmed synchronization, but we cannot find this problem now. Shoot 25 frames of 1080 project,Please see if there is any problem
Hi Solovai,
We replied to you here: https://my.aximmetry.com/post/1178-with-a-genlocked-system-the-delay-will-v?lang=en
Keep us updated on the progress.
Warmest regards,