I would like to ask about an error when I install the plugins.
I had already read the instruction about how to install 3rd party plugins,and follow the instructions to install Live Link MVN.But after I tried lots times,it always told me there was an error.
And logs says:
LogAximmetry: Error: "LiveLinkMvnPlugin" plugin (in "D:/Unreal_Engine_for_Aximmetry_2023.1.0/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/LiveLinkMVNPlugin") is not installed correctly. (BuildId is "23058290" in "D:/Unreal_Engine_for_Aximmetry_2023.1.0/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/LiveLinkMVNPlugin/Binaries/Win64/UnrealEditor.modules".)
LogAximmetry: Error: To fix this:
LogAximmetry: Error: Delete the "D:/Unreal_Engine_for_Aximmetry_2023.1.0/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/LiveLinkMVNPlugin" directory.
LogAximmetry: Error: Install the plugin(s) as described in the documentation: "How to Install Third-Party Code Plugins for Unreal Editor for Aximmetry".
LogAximmetry: Error: Plugin installation could not be started. There are errors with some of the already installed plugins. See the Output Log details. Try again after resolving the issue.
And same as other plugins,actually I can not install any 3rd party plugins.
So does someone know what should I do to fix it?
Thank you.
Read and follow the documentation on installing plugins for Aximmetry UE5 carefully. The error message clearly states this. It works for me, so it’s not a bug.