[Scheduler / 30.000] Internal timing overslept by 11.96ms


Hello Axi

I recently installed Studio DE 2023.2.2 build and saw below message during my job for some operation.

Just load on UE5 project and connecting cameras and files, which is common jobs.

And I suddenly saw this message a lot of lines until when I stop and restart playing.

Do you know which can cause this message?

My machine has i5-13400F with 64G ram and RTX3060Ti for GPU.

Please let me know.




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Hi Bruce,

Does it happen regularly? Or it happened only once? If so, you should disregard it, as it won't affect you.

Warmest regards,

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It keeps happening. And when it happens, rendering video shows stuttering.

Also, I saw it same symptom in another machine which has a little bit different hardware specification and same Studio free version.

Let me try to capture it when I have a chance.

Thanks for your response.

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Thank you for the reply. We will need a bit more information:
Do you have other software running in the background when you get these messages? For example, do you have Unreal Editor running?
And what is the hardware in the other machine (CPU and GPU)?

Warmest regards,

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I guess, Yes. The Unreal Editor was in the background.

And the other machine has below specification.

- CPU: i7-7820X(8c, 3.6Ghz)

- GPU: RTX4000

So, the UE editor should be turned off to prevent this messages?

Hope to have your further response.


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When using an Unreal scene in Aximmetry in Cooked mode, you need to turn off Unreal Editor. Otherwise, it will be like running two Unreals at the same time which are competing against each other for your computer's hardware.

You should only run Unreal Editor in the background when using Live Sync mode. You can read more about the two modes here in the Interactive Editing paragraph: https://aximmetry.com/learn/virtual-production-workflow/preparation-of-the-production-environment-phase-i/obtaining-graphics-and-virtual-assets/creating-content/creating-content-for-aximmetry-de/ue5-how-to-install-and-work-with-the-unreal-engine-based-de-edition/#interactive-editing 

Yes, the other machine is below specification. But you can still use it and the message shouldn't appear regularly if you are not running Unreal Editor in the background. If the message does appear regularly even when you don't have any Unreal Editor open, then please report it here.

Warmest regards,

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Thanks for your kind response!