How should we calibrate the camera and LED screen more accurately


We tried the process recommended on the documentation to ensure that the position of the screen coincides with the virtual position by measuring the distance input into Aximmetry. However, there is no way to measure the value of the rotation above, so the LED and the external expansion screen cannot be fully connected. We also tried to use auto-calibration to make the LED screen and the virtual screen match each other. Either way, there's no way to align them perfectly. I wonder where we did it wrong?

I wonder how we should go about measuring the angle at which the screen rotates. Since we are using a camera crane, I would also like to know if the offset data of the camera crane arm will have an impact on the calibration of the screen. And is there a better way to do LED calibration?


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Before you set up the positions of LED walls in Aximmetry, you should make absolutely sure that your tracking is as accurate as it can be.
You should use the Camera Calibrator and once you are done with the calibration you should click on Test Calibration, then set the Tracking Delay, and check if the virtual floor stays at the same place as the real world's floor if you move your camera a lot:

Also, is your crane tracked? If not, then you won't be able to use it as a tracked camera.

If your LED wall is curved then you must make sure when you set it up that it is curved evenly. You will have to place curved LED walls in the virtual world manually as the auto-placement on curved LED Walls won't work accurately. When setting it up manually you should follow what is written here: and measure the center of your curved LED wall for the position in the virtual world.

Warmest regards,

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Hi Eifert,

We have found that when testing calibration, sometimes there is a significant deviation when clicking on Set Current ground, but we are not sure what to do.

Our rocker arm has also been set with tracking offset, and its movement in the virtual world doesn't seem to have any major issues.

We tried our best to follow the official videos and documents for the operation, but we are not sure which step we made a mistake in causing the calibration results to be less accurate.

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The Camera Calibrator will calculate the tracking's offset compared to the camera. So once you are done with the Camera Calibrator, you shouldn't change the tracking offset (Delta Head Transf) in any software or in the real world.

I am not sure where you set the current ground and what the deviation would look like.
If for some reason you need to adjust the ground after the camera calibration (for example, cause the tracking doesn't save its location after restart), then you can do so in the Delta Cam Transf of ORIGIN:
How should we calibrate the camera and LED screen more accurately

NOTE: Detect Origin was added in Aximmetry version 2023.3.0 Beta, it can help you set the Delta Cam Transf, more on it here.

Warmest regards,
