Hello, I would like to ask how aximmetry is related to Neuron's PN series motion capture?


Hello, I would like to ask how aximmetry is related to Neuron's PN series motion capture?

We struggled with this for several days. First, the plug-in UE2023.2.2 could not be installed, broadcasting the DE version, and then the PN series skeletons internally associated with neuron started to move. We ran very well in the original version of epic 5.2, but switched to In aximmetry's 2023.2.2, the plug-in cannot be installed and I don't know how to install it. We need to drive metahuman or daz to UE and use neuron to drive character movements. Thank you, thank you very much.

The live link face of the face has not yet been tested whether it can run in aximmetry. It is still being baked, but at least it can be used.


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Hello, after I enable live linking, I can use aximmetry, but only in live sync mode. The project cannot be baked, indicating that there is a problem. This is very strange. I don't know where the problem is. Thanks.

I hope this screenshot is helpful to you, thank you, thank you very much

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There is also the issue of installing third-party plug-ins. I don’t know if I understand it correctly, but I have never been able to install any third-party plug-ins. There are very, very few tutorials on these things, and I can’t find any reference materials at all. Thank you.

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The first search result you’ll get if you google is a comprehensive guide on how to install third-party plugins! If you didn’t find this you didn’t do a very good job searching, sorry to say. I’ve installed many third-parTy plug-ins without issues. It’s quick and easy after you’ve set up the build environment. Just follow the the instructions carefully: 


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Thank you for your answer. In fact, I followed this method to install the plug-in two days ago, but the installation always failed. I already feel that I don’t have much hope in installing plug-ins with this software. I feel that I am definitely not the only one in this situation. , I don’t know what the problem is during the installation process. It cannot be installed. Thank you.

LogSavePackage: Moving output files for package: /Game/HuanggongOshi/HuanggongOshi/xincaizhi/zhongjian

LogSavePackage: Moving '../../../../../../Users/Administrator/Documents/Unreal Projects/DMXluoma/Saved/zhongjian64520D7A4EF765690F1B5084F26A37F0.tmp' to '../../../../../../Users/Administrator/Documents/Unreal Projects/DMXluoma/Content/HuanggongOshi/HuanggongOshi/xincaizhi/zhongjian.uasset'

LogSavePackage: Moving output files for package: /Game/HuanggongOshi/HuanggongOshi/xincaizhi/zhongjian_Inst_31

LogSavePackage: Moving '../../../../../../Users/Administrator/Documents/Unreal Projects/DMXluoma/Saved/zhongjian_Inst_3127DDD5BF43A71932DF47DB873B698F8E.tmp' to '../../../../../../Users/Administrator/Documents/Unreal Projects/DMXluoma/Content/HuanggongOshi/HuanggongOshi/xincaizhi/zhongjian_Inst_31.uasset'

LogFileHelpers: InternalPromptForCheckoutAndSave took 87 ms (total: 10.6 sec)

LogAximmetry: Error: Cooking could not be started. Load the Game Default Map (/Game/DMXluoma/DMXluoma) in the editor and try again. (If you want to use the current map in Aximemtry, set it as the Game Default Map in "Project Settings / Maps & Modes / Default Maps".)

AssetCheck: New page: 资产保存:多个资产

LogContentValidation: Display: 正在验证/Script/Engine.MaterialInstanceConstant /Game/HuanggongOshi/HuanggongOshi/xincaizhi/zhongjian_Inst_31.zhongjian_Inst_31

LogContentValidation: Display: 正在验证/Script/Engine.Material /Game/HuanggongOshi/HuanggongOshi/xincaizhi/zhongjian.zhongjian

LogSlate: Window '输出日志' being destroyed

LogSlate: Window '输出日志' being destroyed

LogAximmetry: Error: "CinewareForUnreal" plugin is not installed correctly for the standard Unreal Editor. Found 2 instances of the plugin:

LogAximmetry: Error:     "D:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.2/Engine/Plugins/CinewareForUnreal/CinewareForUnreal.uplugin"

LogAximmetry: Error:     "D:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.2/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/CinewareForUnreal/CinewareForUnreal.uplugin"

LogAximmetry: Error: To fix this:

LogAximmetry: Error:     Delete the "D:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.2/Engine/Plugins/CinewareForUnreal" directory.

LogAximmetry: Error:     Delete the "D:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.2/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/CinewareForUnreal" directory.

LogAximmetry: Error:     Install the plugin(s) as described in the documentation: "How to Install Third-Party Code Plugins for Unreal Editor for Aximmetry".

LogAximmetry: Error: Plugin installation could not be started. There are errors with some of plugins installed for the standard Unreal Editor. See the Output Log details. Try again after resolving the issue.

LogSlate: Window '输出日志' being destroyed

LogSlate: Window '输出日志' being destroyed

LogAximmetry: Error: "CinewareForUnreal" plugin is not installed correctly for the standard Unreal Editor. Found 2 instances of the plugin:

LogAximmetry: Error:     "D:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.2/Engine/Plugins/CinewareForUnreal/CinewareForUnreal.uplugin"

LogAximmetry: Error:     "D:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.2/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/CinewareForUnreal/CinewareForUnreal.uplugin"

LogAximmetry: Error: To fix this:

LogAximmetry: Error:     Delete the "D:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.2/Engine/Plugins/CinewareForUnreal" directory.

LogAximmetry: Error:     Delete the "D:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.2/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/CinewareForUnreal" directory.

LogAximmetry: Error:     Install the plugin(s) as described in the documentation: "How to Install Third-Party Code Plugins for Unreal Editor for Aximmetry".

LogAximmetry: Error: Plugin installation could not be started. There are errors with some of plugins installed for the standard Unreal Editor. See the Output Log details. Try again after resolving the issue.

LogSlate: Window '输出日志' being destroyed

LogSlate: Window '输出日志' being destroyed

LogAximmetry: Error: "CinewareForUnreal" plugin is not installed correctly for the standard Unreal Editor. Found 2 instances of the plugin:

LogAximmetry: Error:     "D:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.2/Engine/Plugins/CinewareForUnreal/CinewareForUnreal.uplugin"

LogAximmetry: Error:     "D:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.2/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/CinewareForUnreal/CinewareForUnreal.uplugin"

LogAximmetry: Error: To fix this:

LogAximmetry: Error:     Delete the "D:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.2/Engine/Plugins/CinewareForUnreal" directory.

LogAximmetry: Error:     Delete the "D:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.2/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/CinewareForUnreal" directory.

LogAximmetry: Error:     Install the plugin(s) as described in the documentation: "How to Install Third-Party Code Plugins for Unreal Editor for Aximmetry".

LogAximmetry: Error: Plugin installation could not be started. There are errors with some of plugins installed for the standard Unreal Editor. See the Output Log details. Try again after resolving the issue.

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Did you read and follow the instructions in the red error message in the screenshot?

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Hello, thank you for your reply. The problem has been solved. I copied the other plug-ins and left only the plug-ins that need to be installed in this plug-in directory. Then I ran Aximmetry's UE to install it. Then I copied only one plug-in several times. Go to this directory and install more. However, some plug-ins cannot be run, such as DAZ and C4D plug-ins. I would like to ask how to call live link face in the baked UE file. Now I use iPhone to capture faces for UE, but aximmetry needs to be run in real time. Thank you.

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Which DAZ and C4D plugins you couldn't install? There are multiple plugins that can import these file types.
Note, that Unreal comes with a C4D importer, and it is included in Unreal Engine for Aximmetry:

For the Live Link Face plugin to work in cooked mode, you need to apply a default Live Link preset:

You can set the Live Link preset at Edit->Project Settings->Plugins->LiveLink->Default role settings.
More on it here: https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/livelink-how-to-get-messaging-in-a-packaged-game/467731/5

Also, you don't need to do the above if you run your project in Live Sync instead of cooked mode. More on it in the Interactive editing paragraph here: https://aximmetry.com/learn/virtual-production-workflow/preparation-of-the-production-environment-phase-i/obtaining-graphics-and-virtual-assets/creating-content/creating-content-for-aximmetry-de/ue5-how-to-install-and-work-with-the-unreal-engine-based-de-edition/#interactive-editing 

Warmest regards,

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Thank you very much for your reply. Thank you. I will try the live face method you mentioned tomorrow, but now I have encountered a new problem. When not baking, try to use the online mode. After clicking Run, the data will be returned to UE5. The video data is not in aximmetry. Then, if you turn off UE after baking and start aximmetry, the problem of not being able to load still occurs. This is very strange. This problem has been bothering me for several days. I hope these problems can be solved as soon as possible. Mainly It is possible to associate the live face and Noitom motion capture after baking, and then perform a step to drive the digital human in aximmetry. This is indeed very troublesome, thank you.

This picture is what happens after UE5 is baked, turned off UE, and loaded with aximmetry. So we can only choose to run the file in UE5 and let aximmetry call it in real time, but the data will be fed back to UE instead of staying in aximmetry.

This picture shows us changing the mode in aximmetry after running it in UE, and then the data will be returned to UE

I have encountered this problem many times. It is very strange. I used to find it more convenient to adjust like this, but now I want to record. If this problem occurs, the data is not fed back to aximmetry and there is no way to record. It is very strange to watch this in UE. Yes, thank you, hahahahahaha

Wish you a happy life, greetings from China

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For anyone interested in this issue, we started a new post here: https://my.aximmetry.com/post/3470-aximmetry-loading-file-live-link-face-an

Warmest regards,
