I have been trying for several days to understand the reason why the tracking is not going well. I have looked at many forums, different groups and YouTube videos trying to see if anyone had the same problem as me and many say that you have to calibrate the lens, the Steam VR space or simply the delay of the tracker. I have tried everything with many different calibrations and in the end the result always ends up being the same.
If someone can help me I would be so thankful.
Did you use Aximmetry's Camera Calibrator? https://aximmetry.com/learn/virtual-production-workflow/preparation-of-the-production-environment-phase-i/tracking/camera-calibrator/
Other than that, every time you turn on the HTC Vive, you will probably have to adjust the Tracking Delay: https://aximmetry.com/learn/virtual-production-workflow/preparation-of-the-production-environment-phase-i/green-screen-production/tracked-camera-workflow/inputs/#delays
And you will probably have to adjust HTC Vive's height in the ORIGIN (or in SCENE) so that the virtual scene's floor and the real world's floor match in height: https://aximmetry.com/learn/virtual-production-workflow/preparation-of-the-production-environment-phase-i/green-screen-production/tracked-camera-workflow/tracked-camera-billboards-placement/#align-tracking-coordinate-system
Warmest regards,