Can I export Widget Animation from Unreal to Aximmetry?


Can I export Widget Animation from Unreal to Aximmetry?


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How do you mean “export”? On a technical level, the UE5 scene is just running in the background, so there’s no importing or exporting going on anywhere. You just control Unreal from within Aximmetry. 

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There is a way in which we create a material inside the Unreal  put the Widget in it, paste it on an object inside BP, and then we export this BP for example to Aximmetry 

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Again, you don’t export anything to Aximmetry. That’s not how it works. 

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I know that, but is it possible to do a method that is close to that?

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I don't know if that's what you need! But that's how I brought animations from the widget in Aximmetry!
