Unreal UI in Aximmetry - Live Sync mode



I have created a projet with Unreal for Aximmetry (5.1) and I am trying to figure out why my HUD is visible in cooked mode but not in Live Sync mode and how can I get it visible ? (is it an issue?)

I am not expecting to interact directly with the UI from Aximmetry (there is no interactable widget like a button in the final UI) but the widget content will be updated later at runtime via triggers.

My guess is that the scene capture is not handled the same way and that cause the HUD or any widgets added to the viewport in screen space to be discarded from the rendering in Live Sync.

I need the Live Sync because I use a plugin that does not work in cooked mode (the unreal project crash in Aximmetry when the plugin's function is called).

Any idea that could help me ?


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Screen space widgets created under an Actor will not appear in Unreal Editor:

Instead, you should delete that actor or Widget component, and create the Widget Class Blueprint from the Level Blueprint:


Warmest regards,

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Hi thanks for your help, I tried but unfortunately it is still not visible in Aximmetry preview.
Just to let you know, here is what I tried:
- Create and add the widget blueprint to the viewport from an actor blueprint graph: 

- UI is visible in Unreal and Axi in cooked mode

- UI is visible in Unreal but not in Axi in Live mode

- Create and add the widget blueprint to the viewport from the level blueprint graph: 

- UI is visible in Unreal and Axi in cooked mode

- UI is visible in Unreal but not in Axi in Live mode

- Set the widget blueprint as a component (setup screen space) on an actor: 

- UI is visible in Unreal (PIE only) and Axi in cooked mode

- UI is visible in Unreal (PIE only) but not in Axi in Live mode

- Set the widget blueprint as a component (setup world space) on an actor: 

- UI is visible in Unreal and Axi in cooked mode

- UI is visible in Unreal and Axi in Live mode

I fell back to world space widget component as it is the only working setup for now on my project, do you think I missed a configuration or something ?

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I am sorry, I was wrong, it is indeed not visible in Live mode. We will look into why that happens.

Can you tell which plugin crashes in cooked mode, we might be able to solve that before the UI issue.

Warmest regards,

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Sure no problem, I use the plugin called "AzSpeech - Voice and Text" from the Unreal marketplace (here is the link (https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/azspeech-async-text-to-voice-and-voice-to-text).

It is a beta plugin pretty stable imo but still beta so I didn't search to find the cause of the crash. I have tested with the version 1.6.13 (current is 1.6.14).

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The latest version of Aximmetry, 2024.1.0, now provides the same level of plugin compatibility as Epic's Unreal Engine. This likely fixed any issue you experienced with the AzSpeech - Voice and Text plugin.

Furthermore, the new version introduces a modified process for installing plugins in the Unreal Editor for Aximmetry. For detailed instructions, please refer to the documentation here: https://aximmetry.com/learn/virtual-production-workflow/preparation-of-the-production-environment-phase-i/obtaining-graphics-and-virtual-assets/creating-content/creating-content-for-aximmetry-de/ue5-how-to-install-third-party-code-plugins-for-unreal-editor-for-aximmetry/

Warmest regards,
