Unreal-Aximmetry plugins install error


I am getting this error when installing Aximmetry Plugins. When I look in plugins the Aximmetry plugin is there, should I ignor this error? My version is Aximmetry 2023.2.2

LogAximmetry: Error: Plugin installation could not be started. Could not find registered Unreal Engine installation.

LogAximmetry: Error: Please install Unreal Engine 5.2 from the Epic Games Launcher to use this feature.

LogAximmetry: Error: In some cases the Epic Games Launcher fails to correctly register the Unreal Engine installation. If you installed Unreal Engine 5.2 and still get this error message, please verify that the following registry entry exists and it contains your Unreal Engine installation path:

LogAximmetry: Error:     "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EpicGames\Unreal Engine\5.2\InstalledDirectory"

LogAximmetry: Error: If this entry doesn't exist, you can fix the problem by adding it manually. This can be achieved by entering the following command in an Administrator Command Prompt:

LogAximmetry: Error:     reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\EpicGames\Unreal Engine\5.2" /v InstalledDirectory /t REG_SZ /d "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.2" /f

LogAximmetry: Error: Please replace "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.2" with your actual installation path if you installed the engine to a different directory.

LogAximmetry: Error: After executing the above command, please restart Unreal Editor for Aximmetry and run the plugin installer again.


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You should probably ignore it.

There is no Aximmetry plugin. By installing Unreal for Aximmetry, you already have everything in the Unreal Engine that Aximmetry needs, you only need to add the right Aximmetry Camera to your Unreal project's map.
The Install Plugins option is for installing plugins made by other companies for Epic's Unreal:

Like plugins that you can find in Unreal's marketplace. You can find out more about how the Install Plugins option works here: https://aximmetry.com/learn/virtual-production-workflow/preparation-of-the-production-environment-phase-i/obtaining-graphics-and-virtual-assets/creating-content/creating-content-for-aximmetry-de/ue5-how-to-install-third-party-code-plugins-for-unreal-editor-for-aximmetry 

Warmest regards,
