Billboard location



I just cooked a 1km X 1km project.

Cant find the billboard at the big desert :) 
Is there any way to find the billboard easily with one click? other than to play with the position arrows?
Any guidance on this please?


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Any help on this would be appreciated.
Trying to find the billboard easily on this set.
Try to used the "Edit Scene On"  - but some how the video disappeared. 
Is there a way to bring the billboard directly to where the view point is?
Have hard time to find it :) 

Thank you,

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Do you use a tracked camera or a virtual camera compound?

If you use a virtual camera compound, then probably the easiest way to do it, is to rescale the billboard while you locate it:

Or if you reset the Free Camera Mode:

Then the camera is exactly at the place of the billboard, so you just need to move the Billboard a little bit away from the camera:

If you use a tracked camera compound, then you can use the Lock To Camera option while you locate the billboard. And click on the light bulb icon to set a placeholder metering texture on the billboard.

Also, you shouldn't use Free Camera Mode in this case, as the Lock To Camera locks to the actual camera and not to the Free one.
So switch to the normal camera and reset its path:

Note, when playing with the arrows, you can use different change rates, it is detailed here: This applies both for mouse drag and keyboard arrows.

Warmest regards,

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Thank you very much - going to try this workflow. 🙏
Will update.

Another workflow that I managed to do is copy the parameters from Unreal to Aximmetry - next to an object (cube).

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Note, that you can use the [Common_Studio]:Compounds\Tools\Unreal_Transformation.xcomp compound to easily convert Unreal transformations (position) into Aximmetry's coordinate system.

Warmest regards,
