Hello, when I was using the PTZ camera, I found that after I turned the camera to stop, the camera picture and the rendering picture would stop for a moment and then the camera picture would slowly shift a short distance.
Hello, when I was using the PTZ camera, I found that after I turned the camera to stop, the camera picture and the rendering picture would stop for a moment and then the camera picture would slowly shift a short distance.
Not all PTZ cameras can come with accurate tracking.
They also tend to send tracking data that translates to a constant movement speed. When in reality the camera doesn't instantly stop but has a decreasing speed before stopping.
Also, turning on Tracking Dejitter can introduce a small lag at start and stop of camera movements, especially if you change its default values:
More on Tracking Dejitter in this thread: https://my.aximmetry.com/post/1129-freezing-tracking-data-to-remove-jitter
Warmest regards,
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