FreeD Issue


Hi Aximmetry! 

Im in the phase of evaluating the Broadcast edition of your software because i am in need of FreeD support. I have a Birddog p400 that  supports use of FreeD. Im using NDI and not SDI for camera input.

I have entered in the camera the ip adress of my aximmetry host pc and the udp port . I have checked the network and i can see the packages being sent from the camera with the FreeD protocoll. 

But when i start the Calibration and i add the camera tracker FreeD  i select the ip number and open the port. 

But in the calibarion app the data are not picked up from the Camera.  What i am uncertain of is the meaning of cameraid .  I have looked at the camera and i can see camera id is set to 1.  I have also chosen that in the settings when adding a FreeD value in the Calibarion protocoll. 

I am clueless on how to continue. I will also talk to BirdDog to be certain that i have picked the correct Camera ID.  But could this be issue that its failing. 


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Have you checked that the FreeD data is actually coming through to the Aximmetry computer? It could be blocked by the Windows firewall.

Also, using NDI with tracked cameras and green screen is a bad idea. The timing of NDI isn’t consistent, so tracking will drift. NDI is also very compressed, which will reduce keying quality significantly. 

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Hi TwentyStudios, thanks for your reply. We do have given Aximmetry Access to all ports on the computer. But still no luck. Im not shure that we have the right camera id. If this could be the reason.  I can switch it to SDI if needed. But im still stuck with the FreeD calibration not working.  I also tried disabing the Firewall without luck. 

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Try changing the camera ID in both Aximmetry and the BirdDog to something else. Try to set Aximmetry to a number below or over the number on the BirdDog as well. Usually it’s a network issue if FreeD doesn’t work, but BirdDog isn’t exactly know for testing their products properly before releasing updates, so I would definitely have them verify that FreeD is actually confirmed working in the firmware you’re using. 
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We have some experience with a different Birddog camera model. It also used the Camera ID : 1.
We needed the latest beta firmware to allow the camera to send tracking data using FreeD protocol, but this was more than a year ago.
By default the FreeD protocol was disabled. To enable it, you had to go to the WEB UI \ Camera Control \ FreeD menu. You should make sure that you configure the right port and the target IP (where the camera sends the tracking data) in the WEB UI.

Warmest regards,
