Cam Focus Distance affect Billboard in UE5.2.1


I notice the Cam Focus Distance affect Billboard in UE5.2.1

Either using the hotkey or setting to for example 0.5, the "blur" affect the billboard as well for Virtual Cam Unreal 3 Cam AB.


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Unreal added the following in Unreal Engine version 5.2:
Added the r.Translucency.AutoBeforeDOF console variable to automatically render PostDOF translucency before DOF when their component location is behind DOF's focus distance.

Sadly, we didn't yet update our documentation regarding this.
If you want it to behave like in Unreal Engine 5.1, then you can set r.Translucency.AutoBeforeDOF to 1.
You can use the Execute Console Command node in the level blueprint to automatically set r.Translucency.AutoBeforeDOF 1 in your project.

Warmest regards,
