OSC withh Companion



I set enble the osc server IP: port: 8000, and i set Companion v3.0.0 osc IP: port:8000 on same machine.

The button set Press action "osc send integer", "0"  on Delay,  "/osc/path/cam1" on OSC Path, "1" on Value.  Release action "osc send integer", "50" on Delay,  "/osc/path/cam1" on OSC Path, "0" on Value. 

When i want to assign OSC on Pin contoller CAM1 button, it pop up message need me press any OSC controller, i press already but noting happen.

Its that the OSC path wrong or need to  setup  something  on companion?


   KC Chan

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I tested with the same settings and I had no issues:

The button I used for the test:

Note, actually you don't need both release and press action. You can just send the value 1 with one of them and it will work:

Also, you can easily test an OSC button in Companion with this yellow test button:

Warmest regards,
