Video input billboard much brighter in 'Final'



We are working with a new set built in UE 5.1 (re-saved and cooked to work in UE 5.2 update).

I have 4 x NDI camera feeds coming in to corresponding billboards.  

As you can see below, the 'brightness' / 'luminosity' is very different between the raw input / cropped / keyed and the 'FINAL' selection on the Billboard menu. I can mitigate it to a certain extent by adjusting the Gamma & brightness levels, but this is not ideal.  'Inverse Tonemap' is off in this example.

Is there some lighting from UE affecting it?  If so, how can I check / turn that off?

Raw input:


Thanks very much!



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First off all, you should enable Inverse Tonemapper if you want to keep the colors of the original video. 

If you have Allow Virtuals enabled, the video is rendered through the Unreal post processing, so any color correction, bloom and other effect will affect it. If you don’t want this, just disable Allow Virtuals. 
