Weird stuttering artifact when cooking Unreal 5.2 AR projects



We're having problems when rendering objects in Aximmetry after cooking any Unreal Engine project (we've tested with clean, empty projects with a single cube and it still happens) where AR is involved, as it's showing black artifacts all around the objects when moving the camera.

It's even happening to the shadow and reflection catchers, which are showing as a black line on the floor.

This doesn't happen while in Live Sync.


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And the same thing happens in 5.1. I changed in Unreal from TSR to TAA and now it's a bit better but it's still visible! I am also waiting for an answer on this topic from Aximmetry to stop opening a new topic!

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Thank you for reporting this issue. We found the source of the problem and it is going to be fixed in the next version of Aximmetry.
If it affects critically your production, then you should consider running it in Live Sync while the fix is not released.

Warmest regards,

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A beta version is now available that addresses the stuttering artifact in Unreal. To get access to the beta version, reach out to Please refer to this forum post in the mail or let us know that you would like to test the beta version because of the Unreal stuttering artifact.

Warmest regards,

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Aximmetry Version 2023.2.2 has been released today. The new version fixes the above compositing issue.

Warmest regards,
