UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): ERROR: Cook failed.


Alguien me puede ayudar indicando como corregir este error que aparece al cocinar el proyecto en uNREAL AXIMMETRY?

UATHelper: Cocinar (Windows): ERROR: Falló la cocción.

UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): (consulte C:\Users\AAUN\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\C+Program+Files+Aximmetry+DE+UnrealEngine\Log.txt para ver el seguimiento completo de la excepción)

UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): AutomationTool ejecutado por 0h 0m 16s

UATHelper: Cocinar (Windows): AutomationTool saliendo con ExitCode=25 (Error_UnknownCookFailure)

UATHelper: Cocinar (Windows): FALLÓ LA CONSTRUCCIÓN

LogAximmetry: Error: Falló la cocción. (Resultado: "Fallo".)


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For quick help, it's better to post in English I guess. Cooking errors: you should check the logging in Unreal Engine itself while cooking to check for issues, and solve them there.

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Gabor Bosze


The part of the log that you copied here doesn't show the problem. Could you please copy the entire log here? (Or share the Log.txt)

Best regards

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Thank you very much for the communication and I am sorry for not expressing the problem well, but I have already solved it and it is already cooking well in Unreal Editor for Aximmetry
