"Attempted to assign to None". Blueprint: Aximmetry_LED_Wall_Camera_1-4_Walls


Hello, I am using the  Aximmetry Broadcast DE 23.1 trial to test the LED now, but whether I use COOKED or SYNC, the following error will be prompted:

"Attempted to assign to None". Node:  Set TargetGamma Graph:  UpdateFillCamera Function:  Update Fill Camera Blueprint:  Aximmetry_LED_Wall_Camera_1-4_Walls

and I found the "F1 out " link to output ,shows: "no output"

If there anyway to solve this error?


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It could be that you set the LED Wall 1's Fill (F1) render resolution to zero.
You can do this by either setting the LED Wall 1's Resolution to 0 or by setting the Fill Resolution Mul to 0.
So make sure that none of these values are zero:

Or just reset the LED Wall's settings:

Either way, after the changes, restart the compound in Aximmetry.

If the above didn't fix the error, then another source of the error could be that something got deleted in the LED Wall camera's files in Unreal.
So add the LED Wall camera again to your project in Unreal. (You don't need to delete the LED Wall camera before doing so)
And cook the project.

Warmest regards,
