How to create an SRT output stream?


Hi Guys.

Unfortunately the SRT I/O is not documented yet.
We're trying hard to send SRT from Axy to a second machine which is running restreamer,
and went through (almost) all possible combinations of putting streamkey, token, etc. into Axy's setup dialog.

Are there any docs available that describe the setup process?

Also, which Video are we supposed to use?
The regular Video Device Out?

Or a combination of VideoOut and VideoOut Config, similar to setting up a YouTube stream?

Thanks for any help & all the best.



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Sort of answering my own question here (at least partially... :-))

Whenever you change anything to the SRT settings in Axys Device Manager, you *must* restart Axy in order to apply the settings.

What we finally did to get the SRT out was to define Axy as Listener with no additional settings at all:

Then we query the stream from the remote machine.

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Hi Eric,

It's strange you needed to restart Aximmetry for it to work.
If you add Video Out -SRT:

Then it should appear in the Video Outputs:

If you add Video - SRT:

It should appear in the Video Input module:

Or in the camera compounds' Input control board panel:

There is no documentation yet, but we are working on it.
Here is the difference between the different connection modes:


In caller mode, you have to tell Aximmetry where to connect to, and using which port, so Host and Port are required. The Caller mode is the default for SRT output.

Host and Port must be specified.

The Host can be specified by name (e.g., localhost, or by IP address (e.g.,
Valid values for Port are between 1 and 65535.

Adapter and Local port are optional.
You can select an Adapter if you want to send the stream through this adapter only.
If Local port is 0, Windows will assign a port between 49152 and 65535 (ephemeral range)


In Listener mode, you only have to specify the Local port used to receive the stream. The Listener mode is the default for SRT input.

Local port must be specified.

By selecting an Adapter you can limit incoming connections to the specified network adapter only.

If the stream is encrypted you have to fill in the Passphrase as well.


Rendezvous is a special mode that can be used from behind firewalls without the need to set up port forwarding.

Host name or IP address and Port number are required.

Adapter can be selected just like in the two other cases. For rendezvous mode, the local port cannot be specified, as it is always the same as the remote port.

Warmest regards,