How would I use the nodal offset information generated by Camera Calibrator inside an Unreal Engine lens file? Inverting the values and re-mapping the axes to Unreal order doesn't seem to work. I'm fine calculating distortion in either Unreal or Camera Calibrator (results seem similar), and inputting sensor width in Camera Calibrator seems to yield a FOV in Unreal. It's just the nodal/delta offset I'm curious about. Thanks.
Aximmetry’s TackedCam object inside Unreal gets all the tracking information through the Control Data pin.

Do you need to use a UE lens file in your project?
You can export this calibration file from Camera Calibrator.

The export produces a .xml file that can be opened with any text editor.
So you can get the needed parameters.
For re-mapping the axes to Unreal, you can find some guidelines here:
Best regards