MIDI Novation LaunchControlXL cant map one knob



we purchased midi controller Novation LaunchControlXL and I´m in the middle of mapping process. There is one knob that I cant map in Aximmetry, but other software and midi mappers will recognize it and it sends data, only Aximmetry doesnt do anything. Does anyone had same issue with midi controller?



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Hi David,

None of these modules detect it if you use Learn?

More on the learn function here: https://aximmetry.com/learn/virtual-production-workflow/preparation-of-the-production-environment-phase-i/setting-up-inputs-outputs-for-virtual-production/external-controllers/using-midi-with-aximmetry/#learn-function 

If it is still not working, does the other software says which controller it is? If not, then which knob it is on the Novation LaunchControlXL. This can help us find the source of the issue.

Warmest regards,

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Robert NGP


I'm very happy with the MIDI implementation but I experience the same issue as described above; I'm missing several often used controller values; 'CC 00 Bank Select' and 'CC 06 Data Entry Most Significant Bit (MSB)'. They are used with a lot with Behringer equipment (in my case the professional X32 audio mixer console to mute input channels on MIDI channel 2, so pretty important). The Axy learn function works fine but ignores all these missing values. In the manual listing under 'controller' of the Midi Controller (out)  they are also missing.

When going thrue the manual list I'm missing the following; CC 00, CC 06,  CC 32, CC 38, CC 64, CC 66, CC 98, CC 99, CC 100 and CC 101  (maybe I missed something here).

See: https://nickfever.com/music/midi-cc-list and https://behringer.world/wiki/doku.php?id=x32_midi_table for examples where these values are described/used.

@Eifert; I tried the 4 ways suggested to 'Learn' but neither recognised these.

Thanks for your help in this!

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According to MIDI standards, these are reserved for special uses:
CC00 BankSelectMSB
CC06 DataEntryMSB
CC20 BankSelectLSB
CC26 DataEntryLSB
CC40 DamperPedal
CC42 Sostenuto
CC45 Hold2
CC62 NrpnLSB
CC63 NrpnMSB
CC78 AllSoundOff
CC79 ResetAllControllers
CC7B AllNotesOff
CC7C OmniModeOff
CC7D OmniModeOn
CC7E MonoMode
CC7F PolyMode

And Aximmetry treats them the same way, that is why you can not use them.
Using them can cause problems with other software or instruments.

Warmest regards,

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@Eifert: Enabling Aximmetry to (at least) receive those messages absolutely won’t do any harm or cause any issues! If a device sends a message, Aximmetry should receive it. I’ve worked with midi for most of my adult life and I’ve never come across the issue you’re describing. 

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Hi TwentyStudios,

We are considering making it optional.
Note that Aximmetry can also send MIDI out, so in that case it could do harm.

Warmest regards,

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Thing is that in Reason or other music software this midi controller works perfectly. But in Aximmetry this one column of buttons just dont work.

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@Eifert: I can’t see how it could do any harm whatsoever. Those messages are used by midi controllers all the time to get around some of the limitations of the midi protocol. 

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Robert NGP

@Eifert: Great to see that in the latest Beta 2023.3.0 all the above described questions regarding midi limitations were solved! Great!

  • Fixed that special MIDI Control Change messages like Bank Select, RPN / NRPS, Sostenuto, All Notes Off, etc. were always interpreted according to their original meaning. Now it is optional, by default any Control Change 00 - 7F can be used arbitrarily. The option can be found in File / Properties / MIDI Settings.
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Yes, the limitation has been made optional. By default it is turned off, so you don't even need to do anything to fix the limitation:
MIDI Novation LaunchControlXL cant map one knob

Also, the Note and the Controller lists have been made a bit more clear and searchable:

Warmest regards,