Hi Guys.
Obviously the renders inside Axy come with an integrated Depth Channel.
At least that's what I gather from the '+ D32_F' in the header of the floating preview windows.
Is there any chance to save a multichannel EXR including depth (and preferably other Aux Channels as well)?
Or split off the Depth channel and save it as an EXR on it's own?
Cheers & all the best.
Hmmmm... Just realizing that the '+ D32_F' in fact only comes out of the MixedCam_Unreal_A-B_Preview_3+3-Cam, not out of the UnrealScene.
So the Depth channel is most likely the billboard only. (Correct me if I'm wrong...:-))
Any chance to make the UnrealEngine (at least temporarily) output 32F images with Depth?