How to save Depth (z-channel) with EXR?


Hi Guys.

Obviously the renders inside Axy come with an integrated Depth Channel.
At least that's what I gather from the '+ D32_F' in the header of the floating preview windows.

Is there any chance to save a multichannel EXR including depth (and preferably other Aux Channels as well)?

Or split off the Depth channel and save it as an EXR on it's own?

Cheers & all the best.



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Hmmmm... Just realizing that the '+ D32_F' in fact only comes out of the MixedCam_Unreal_A-B_Preview_3+3-Cam, not out of the UnrealScene.
So the Depth channel is most likely the billboard only. (Correct me if I'm wrong...:-))

Any chance to make the UnrealEngine (at least temporarily) output 32F images with Depth?



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Yes, the + D32_F refers to the depth channel.
You can see this depth channel by using the Depth Scaler module.

Depth channel generated when using Aximmetry render engine's camera. We don't get the depth channel from Unreal.
You see the
D32_F on videos from Unreal Camera compounds, cause the Aximmetry cameras used to place the billboard into the video rendered by Unreal when Allow Virtuals are turned off.

You could put post process material on the Aximmetry camera in Unreal. which you could access in Aximmetry with a Set Aximmetry Video blueprint node in Unreal.
The material could be similar to this:
However, you might run into issues depending on what you are going to use this for.

Warmest regards,

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Hi Eifert.

Thanks for the explanation and the links!

Cheers & all the best.

