Aximmetry UE Camera Quality


Hello Everyone!

Could you explain how to change qulity of UE scene when using an Aximmetry.

When i check my stage as standlone and in game mode - qulity good but when put scene in aximmetry with aximmetry camera image looks too blury and not detailed. I switched off motion blur in UE but it not helps.

   Maxim T

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Try to enable "forward shading" - in my scenes it improved the render quality a lot! But I'd also like to hear other ideas...

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You should be able to see exactly the same thing in Aximmetry what you see in the Unreal Editor. So if you have certain quality in Unreal Editor it should be the same in Aximmetry.

Do you use Aximmetry_Camera

if yes: you have to consider that the camera settings have to be made in Aximmetry_Camera. What you see in viewport can be different since the viewport has its own settings.

Click on Aximmetry_Camera (in Unreal Editor) to be able to see a quick preview what that camera sees. You also have to consider that if you run the "game" in Unreal Editor (or with a standalone game) then there will be no camera transformation provided by default so the camera will jump at the center.

Do you use "live sync" mode? 

If you use "live sync" mode then you have to consider that it shows you what you see in Unreal Editor's viewport. So if the Unreal Editor's viewport is smaller then your screen then the result can look blurry in Aximmetry since it will be magnified.

You have to run your game in separate fullscreen viewport to have the maximum quality.

Even if you didn't use "live sync" mode. Can you please do a test with it? Can you see the same in Aximmetry and in Unreal Editor in this mode? (hopefully you will see the same)

(please note that "live sync" is currently not recommended for production, but we are working on that)

So in total you can see three "different" versions: In Unreal editor game mode, in Aximmetry "live sync" mode, in Aximmetry "cooked" mode. (there is actually a fourth version: what you see in the viewport of Unreal, but you should always ignore that)

Which of these 3 looks the same (or different)?

Please make sure that you always cook the latest version of your scene before you test it in Aximmetry (cooked mode).
