Where can I get advanced courses to learn Aximmetry ?


I want to adopt measurement in my work,so I want to buy professional and advanced educational courses on the methods and techniques of using Aximmetry  With Unreal .


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Unreal has some good documents and tutorials on their site: https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.1/en-US/ 

Aximmetry offers studio operator training for Aximmetry DE (Unreal). But we don't have any advanced or professional training for Unreal Editor.
In which part of Unreal would you envision such an advanced course or documentation?

Warmest regards,

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What I meant is that I want it  courses to learn to deal with the Aximmetry professionally,

especially in linking it with the Unreal .

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For example, give examples of how to use these tools .

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@huseen. These are not advanced tools. These are the basic communication tools between Unreal and Aximmetry.

You can find examples, both in the documentation here and by searching online (youtube for example). This is the way I learned it (and I am still learning).

Of course, you also need to know few (or more) things about programming with blueprints in Unreal. It definitely takes time.

Also asking questions (both here and in the Facebook group) will help.

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The lessons on YouTube are simple, and I need lessons that enable me to work on Aximmetry , such as working on vizrt or zero density ..

and I see great potential in Aximmetry that requires explanation and more attention from advanced courses .

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Hi Huseen,

I think what you want is more like tips and tricks on what you can do in Unreal when you make a virtual production.
In the end, most of such tips would be controlled by these:

But they are not achieved by them.
After all, those are basic data types that people use in Unreal blueprints. Even when for example they make a game with normal Epic Unreal.

Or do you want a detailed description of all these data types (Color, Integer, Scalar...) and how they are in general used? Note, we have a similar document here: https://aximmetry.com/learn/virtual-production-workflow/preparation-of-the-production-environment-phase-i/scripting-in-aximmetry/flow-editor/pin-data-types/ however it applies to Aximmetry, but Unreal is not really different from it.

If you read a course somewhere that is done in Unreal with blueprints, then it is very likely that you can do it in Unreal Editor for Aximmetry too. And at the end, you can add Aximmetry based controls with those Get Aximmetry... Unreal Blueprint nodes.

Nevertheless, we will make more lessons or documents on more specific use cases in Unreal. And there are some already under work. However, we are currently focusing on filling up gaps in the documentation on the basic use of Aximmetry, the Camera compounds, and on Virtual production in general.

Warmest regards,

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Can you give an example?

The interaction between aximmetry and uveal is dead simple. 

Those get modules just push values from aximmetry to unreal.

So basically the question is what you want to do in unreal?

You use unreal as usual to create everything and use aximmetry as a source to push data to unreal.

If you are comfortable programming in unreal, then you treat aximmetry just as a source of external data, like a db, an http server, a json file.

The other part is aximmetry on itself. That part lacks in documentation indeed. 

What I do is ask ask ask and ask and then try to help others when and if I can

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This is an example using my experience in the unreal.

I need to get to know the aximmetry more


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How comfortable are you programming in Unreal? Blueprints or C++?  Forget Aximmetry or any other program

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I only use blueprint .

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Great. You can build your blueprints as usual AND with aximmetry, you have one more data source, those Aximmetry functions that push data to Unreal. There is nothing special or extra you need to learn.

Aximmetry also controls camera transformations and takes care of the billboards (video + apha keys + etc). This is where the interoperability between Aximmetry and Unreal stops.

The other part is pure Aximmetry and centers around extra things Aximmetry can paint over the final video.
