Interesting new plugin for Unreal engine by Luma AI


Nerf's are the new cool things in the capture world, and Luma AI has now a plugin that works with Unreal Engine 5.

Here is the link

I have not tested it yet, but I certainly will. The idea of scanning and using such an environment is really exciting.


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i installed everything but if i drag and drop the uproject file into my aximmetry project graph i get the following errors:

In messages log i get this message:

[LogPluginManager] Plugin 'LumaAIPlugin' failed to load because module 'LumaRuntime' could not be initialized successfully after it was loaded.
Unreal Engine stopped. Please save and reopen your compound.

unreal engine log sais this:
[LogPluginManager] Plugin 'LumaAIPlugin' failed to load because module 'LumaRuntime' could not be initialized successfully after it was loaded.

and log sais this:
Unreal Engine stopped. Please save and reopen your compound.

what can i do to get the plugin to work with aximmetry?

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Read and carefully follow the documentation on installing plugins in Aximmetry. 

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I am not sure if it is meant to be used in cooked projects. The plugin crashes when running in cooked mode but not in Live Sync.

So after adding the Unreal node, you can choose Live Sync and it should work while Unreal Editor for Aximmetry is running in the background:

Warmest regards,

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Darren Levine
Tried opening, but says it can't rebuild, and suggests compiling. only deviation i made to the instructions where installing visual studio 2022 with win11 sdk. would that be the reason for the error?
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Visual Studio and Windows 11 SDK shouldn't be an issue.

Did you download (Unreal Engine Game Starter Project) and copied from it the LumaAIStarterProject_5.1 folder under the original Unreal Engine's Marketplace folder?

Warmest regards,

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Darren Levine
Yes, and i found that luma works when i use it on a new project, i just get that error when trying to open the luma starter project
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If you are getting the plugin error window at the opening of the luma starter project, you should disregard it. And once you opened the project, you should enable the Luma plugin in the Plugins window.

Warmest regards,

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Darren Levine

What kind of performance are folks seeing with this? for my 13900hx/4080 i can push about 1440p/24 

like mentioned above it looks like it can only work as live link so a second machine likely needed for 4k, but wondering how environment/nerf dependent the performance is
